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Sending Preset Banks to an Axe-Fx with a MIDI UTILITY

The instructions below assume that you have already downloaded and unzipped the preset bank files. 

You don't need to do any special preparation on the Axe-Fx.

You will need a MIDI INTERFACE. Please install the drivers for it and confirm that they are working correctly.

Connect the output of your MIDI Interface to the MIDI IN of your Axe-Fx.

On a Mac


  1. Download and launch Snoize SysEx Librarian  (
  2. Drag the preset bank file into the Snoize window
  3. Select  your MIDI Interface in the "destination" dropdown.
  4. Select the firmware file in SysEx librarian and press PLAY.
  5. The Axe-Fx will NOT show a progress bar as the file is received.


On Windows

  1. Download/Launch MIDI-OX. (
  2. Set up your PORTS
    • In MIDI-OX select Options->MIDI Devices
    • Highlight your MIDI interface in the MIDI Output window.
    • Make sure NOTHING is selected in the MIDI Input window.
    • Press OK.
  3. In MIDI Ox, choose View->Sysex, which opens a new SYSEX window.
  4. In the SYSEX window, select File->Send Sysex File...
  5. Browse to the bank file you want to send. It will begin to send automatically.
  6. The Axe-Fx will NOT show a progress bar as the file is received.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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