The instructions below assume that you have already downloaded and unzipped the preset bank files.
You don't need to do any special preparation on the Axe-Fx.
You will need a MIDI INTERFACE. Please install the drivers for it and confirm that they are working correctly.
Connect the output of your MIDI Interface to the MIDI IN of your Axe-Fx.
On a Mac
- Download and launch Snoize SysEx Librarian (
- Drag the preset bank file into the Snoize window
- Select your MIDI Interface in the "destination" dropdown.
- Select the firmware file in SysEx librarian and press PLAY.
- The Axe-Fx will NOT show a progress bar as the file is received.
On Windows
- Download/Launch MIDI-OX. (
- Set up your PORTS
- In MIDI-OX select Options->MIDI Devices
- Highlight your MIDI interface in the MIDI Output window.
- Make sure NOTHING is selected in the MIDI Input window.
- Press OK.
- In MIDI Ox, choose View->Sysex, which opens a new SYSEX window.
- In the SYSEX window, select File->Send Sysex File...
- Browse to the bank file you want to send. It will begin to send automatically.
- The Axe-Fx will NOT show a progress bar as the file is received.